I've been answering as vaguely as possible questions regarding how people can follow our adventure. First, because I have no sweet clue. Second, the goal of this trip, for me, is utter freedom. I don't want anything to feel like work this coming year. So it has taken me a while to wrap my head around what sort of platform I would enjoy maintaining.
For now, it's a blog. I may switch over fully to Instagram at some point. Time will tell, but you can be sure that I will let you know here if/when things change! Where to start. I think most people know what we're doing. If not, theres a bit more info on the sidebar -- > My goal with this platform isn't to show you all the amazing experiences we have (though I'm sure we will share that too). There are enough van life blogs out there for you to drool over. If anything, I'd like to showcase the opposite. The nitty gritty. The mundane. The "problems" we encounter. I don't intend this to be negative. The opposite actually. I'd like to show you our attitude towards the trip. The "take it as it comes" philosophy we live by. The ability to be flexible, patient, and responsive. In all honesty, that's all we have going for us. We're not particularly good builders. Or designers. Definitely not mechanics. But we have a lot of heart (and so much help from friends and family). Last week, we bought two vans. Two. How does that happen, one may ask. Buying a van was a new challenge, so let me tell you a bit about it. Kijiji. Everyone out here uses Kijiji. For months, Josh has been checking every single day. What we did not realize what the speed at which the camper van buy/sell market moves! Vehicles pop up for a few days max and if the price is right, disappear almost instantly. We passed up a lot of good deals throughout the summer due to our working situations (I was still in Montreal while Josh and Ben were both working in the countryside). Knowing our departure date was approaching, we decided to buy it with the knowledge that we could get it running in the following weeks. However, on his way home, Josh spotted another van parked at the Fredericton Inn. There, he meets Ryan, who's been living out of his vehicle for the last 9 months. He recently drove it from BC to be in Freddy for the Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival. Having spent her life on the West Coast, she's perfect. Spared from all the salt on our Maritime roads, you couldn't imagine a 1990 van in such good condition. Ryan and Josh hit it off, Josh makes him an offer, to which Ryan tells him that if we didn't have such an amazing trip coming up he wouldn't sell it at that price. But he wants this vehicle doing what its meant to do. We have two vans. We've decided to keep the second one, and have put the first back up for sale (amazing price if anyone is interested!). Today, we finished installing the bed that Josh and I will be sleeping on. Tomorrow, the loft goes in, where Ben's bed will be. I'll explain the build more in a future post, for now, I'd love to hear what you're most interested in; what do you want to see? Primarily, this platform is a way for me to organize my thoughts, but ideally it will also be how I stay in touch with friends and family - one centralized platform which is linked to Facebook and Instagram. A friend suggested I add some extra bits of info that are a bit more personal to me, in order to give myself reason to reflect, and also to allow readers a glimpse into my world. Thank you Sam and Anders. For today, here are two albums that make my soul vibrate: Uncommon Good - Busty and the Bass Elpmas - Moondog The first is from our homies Busty, who released an amazing new album last week. Honestly, it keeps growing on me the more I listen. The second album, is from the magician, the wizard, the viking: Moondog. This blind composer/multi-instrumentalist plays with sound without boundaries, creating ethereal moments which somehow feel grounded in reality despite their unfamiliarity. |